Local, Naturally Raised Beef
Christensen Ranch
Christensen Ranch is producing beef the way it used to be, and bringing a new level of transparency to the beef industry. They are stepping back to the days when beef came from the ranch next door and consumers were on a first-name basis with their local butcher. Cousins Eric Christensen and Kathy Wood, and their familites, are reconnecting customers with the food supply chain, and shortening that chain, to make food a more personal commodity.
Christensen Ranch is dedicated to bringing transparency to the cattle industry and removing some of the barriers between producers and consumers. They believe consumers should be able to know where their beef was born, how it was raised, and where it was harvested. The Christensen Ranch supply chain is simple – the animals are hand-selected, taken to the butcher, and then packaged according to the customer’s preference: hand-curated collections delivered anywhere in the contiguous United States or bulk beef available for local customers. There are no middle men or unnecessary steps between Christensen Ranch beef and the consumer.
By joining the conversation and offering an alternative to mass-produced beef, Kathy and Eric hope to build trust with beef consumers and offer a level of transparency that has been lacking from the commercial producers.
Eric and Kathy, and Kathy’s husband Don, raised 650 cow / calf pairs on their expansive ranch in Weldona, CO. Weldona is located on the Eastern Plains of Colorado about 80 Miles Northeast of Denver. Following in the footsteps of their grandfather, Edward R. Christensen, Eric, Kathy, and Don raised their herd of Red Angus cattle naturally. Pastured until they are nearly one year of age and then finished on corn and hay, Christensen Ranch feeds their cattle at a slower pace to allow them to mature on nature’s schedule.
Christensen Ranch adheres to the Global Animal Partnership 5-Step Animal Welfare Facing Program.
Currently all of the cattle sourced for Christensen Ranch freezer beef and retail beef are raised on the family ranch and processed at one of three inspected butcher facilities. Christensen Ranch bulk beef is processed at Stagecoach Meat Company in Wiggins, CO; Mike’s Meat Market in Sterling, CO: and 307 Meat Company in Laramie, WY. Our retail cuts are USDA inspected and processed at Mike’s Meat Company in Sterling, CO and 307 Meat Company in Laramie, WY.

Cow / Calf Pair Raised on the Ranch
We believe in producing naturally raised beef, for our family and yours. Since 1923, the Christensen family has been farming and ranching in northeast Colorado. Over four generations we have perfected the art and science of producing Red Angus cattle that deliver flavor-packed, mouthwatering, tender beef.

GridMaster Awards for Naturally Fed Cattle
Christensen Ranch received their 20th GridMaster award from The Red Angus Association of America in 2016. Christensen Ranch was one of six cattle firms in the Naturally Fed Division to earn the prestigious award.

18 – 24
Months from Calving to Finishing
Our cattle roam the expansive Easter Colorado plains for nearly one year after calving to ensure they have enough time to grow, naturally. By allowing our cattle to mature on nature’s schedule, we produce the perfect amount of marbling in each cut of beef with the unmistakable flavor that corn finishing delivers.

Crops Raised on the Ranch
Follow Us On Instagram. We rotate sorghum, titicale, oats, grass, wheat, corn, and alfalfa to keep the soil healthy and grow feed for the cow herd to consume during the winter months when they are not on an actively growing pasture.
All of the beef produced on our ranch is:
- Growth hormone free
- Dry aged for up to 21 days
- Sourced from cattle raised on our ranch
- Pasture raised and corn finished right on the ranch

We offer three options of our naturally raised beef to fit customer’s meal preferences, freezer space, and budgets. All of our options include beef raised solely on our ranch.
This option is for customers who want to customize a quarter, half, or whole beef. We do not ship our bulk beef at this time so this option is only available to customers who are able to pick up their bulk beef from one of our local butchers.
This option is ideal for consumers who want naturally raised beef shipped directly to their home. We ship to all 48 contiguous states.
- A variety of seasonal, hand-curated collections of beef
- Filled with 5lbs or 8- 10lbs of beef
- Shipped directly to each customer
Beef shares are pre-packaged assortments of our beef, in 1/8th, 1/4th, and 1/2 beef sizes. Unlike Custom Bulk Beef, we can ship pre-packed Beef Shares to all 48 contiguous states.
“Most Americans have little relationship to or understanding of where and how their food is produced. We want people to have a stronger understanding of the process that delivers meat to their dinner table. We want people to connect with and understand each step of the process in regards to their food production, specifically beef production.
We know that consumers are reacting to the information they receive from the media. Our goal is to offer a different narrative and to show consumers that beef production can be personal, humane, and healthy. We believe in keeping our operations transparent and connecting people directly with their food – transparency, from pasture to plate.”
Weldon Valley Ditch Company board member – 18 years
CHS Coop board member – 18 years
Morgan County Cattlemen’s Association board member – 3 years
Morgan County Cattlemen’s Association vice president – 4 years
Morgan County Cattlemen’s Association president – 2 years & counting

“To us, natural means the cattle are given enough acreage to graze, they are allowed to move freely, they experience less stress because our operation is built around their needs, and we provide continuous access to fresh water and fresh air, as well as ample shelter for inclement weather,” says Kathy. “We take being honorable stewards of our herd seriously; we respect each animal and are committed to raising them naturally.”
4H Club leader – 5 years
Weldon Valley School Board member – 2 years
Weldon Valley School Board president – 6 years
Colorado Livestock Association member
Workman’s Compensation Safety Committee member
Our logo is available for download as a high-resolution PNG file in color black, and white versions. If you would like our logo in a different file format, just send us an email.

Interested in learning more about Christensen Ranch or scheduling your exclusive tour of our working ranch? Send us an email today.